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10 Things That Get Better With Age

Modern society prizes youth, but often overlooks the many benefits of the journey through one's mid and later years.

    1. Self-confidence.

    Over time, I learned that it's exhausting worrying about what others think about me, and when that veneer is wiped away what remains is a solid confidence in myself.

    2. Contentment.

    Knowing that I have enough and I am content with that knowledge.

    3. The pace of life.

    It slows down, and that's a good thing.

    4. More appreciation and less achievement.

    There is a quality discussion about these dualities across one's life between Rolf Potts and Tim Ferriss on the latter's most recent podcast. It's worth a listen, especially as both men are now in mid-life.

    5. Sleep.

    Quality goes up while quantity goes down.

    6. Patience.

    After rushing through things for years, I learned that I rarely get there faster so I might as well relax, avoid the stress, and enjoy the ride.

    7. Greater appreciation for all of life's experiences, good and bad.

    It's hard to see in the moment - sometimes really hard - but even negative experiences have their positive sides. That's easier to understand with experience.

    8. Less anger.

    Over time, I realized anger is almost universally unhealthy. While I certainly can still feel it, I no longer let it take me over when it arises.

    9. More respect.

    Particularly for people's differences that perhaps weren't as respected when I was younger.

    10. Curiosity.

    This one probably precedes appreciation and respect. There is a greater curiosity about most things in life, and if I don't like something I still have an appreciation and respect for it.

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