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Why ghosting sucks?

I ghosted her for as long as i could remember …then I taught I had seen a missed call from her and tried to get back to her.

“What happened? Do you know how many months now you left?” She asked.

I had no answers. First I tried to change subject. Then I apologized.

“It’s not about being sorry” “You made me feel like I did something wrong.” She concluded.

I was about rounding up a job stressing the hell out of me which I eventually quit … nothing else mattered. I stopped calling. I stopped picking her calls.

Every wrong I thought of her became true in those moments.

Now i was trying to get back – she was damn serious. She wouldn’t tolerate any iota of sarcasm. I was shocked at first …then I realized how serious the situation was.

It wasn’t my first time of ghosting her. The first time I did I actually blocked her because she stopped replying my texts or calls.

Why should she accept me back? I wasn’t even willing to come back for anything serious. I just wanted someone I could hang out with. She always saved the day. Amongst every lady I had met she was the most stubborn and strong willed.

Yet she loved dating. She loved hanging out. She loved pampering. Stripping her from this desire without a reason was unacceptable.

So many factors played against us ever understanding each other: Cooking, Parents, Stress.

I did want her to cook more real foods. I mean she cooked but was more into junks. She said she did when she was home with her parents. Especially for her dad who had some special meal requirements due to his chronic ailment since she was born.

But I didn’t believe. She always used studying as an excuse. She was the school type and prioritized grades over anything.

I don’t give a f**k about school or any reward they claim to offer. So this couldn’t hold water for me.

My sister had just passed from Cancer.

Then she complained of stress. I was running a physical business already plus interning in a busy teaching hospital with night shifts. Yet I never complained of stress. How does studying compare to the stress of working hard?

Then she wouldn’t visit her parents. If she did, it was so brief. It looked like she was meeting with some strangers. If the relationship between her and her parents appeared so weak – how much more of me a stranger?

We went out for her birthday. She mentioned where her mum came from. I never knew. I always thought both of her parents were from the same place. Now one of her parents was almost from a familiar place. But she hadn’t said this before.

Her family relationship didn’t sound any fun or inviting. Whenever I thought of the relationship – it was all red flags.

I started to complain to all my friends on how much I was spending. I literally calculated the amount for almost 6 months. Besides it didn’t match the value I was getting from the relationship.

At first she wouldn’t allow me touch her physically. Then she started to loosen up. But it was too late. My mind was off.

I ghosted. I didn’t even know the meaning of ghosting at that time. I just stopped contacting exactly after her birthday event. So she clearly remembered all the last memories.

I had no meaningful explanation on the call. So I ended the call.

But suddenly, It was like something had been taken off my chest. All these while I always thought of what would happen if we ran into each other somewhere.

It could be in her school. It could be at the hospital I worked. It could be anywhere.

Now it was all gone. I accepted the fact that we weren’t good for each other.

We were done. We were FREE.

    1. It tells bad of you (the ghoster)

    Ghosting is seen by many as ultimate act of cowardice- because it is a very cowardly thing to do and shows a lack of character.

    Whatever was wrong with the relationship – the fact that you ghosted shifts the blame to you.

    One is the fact that you didn’t take responsibility to repair or end the relationship.

    Second is if you did this to her – you most likely would do it to another or have done it before. This is a trait that can be considered red flag by anyone that takes their feelings serious.

    Exceptions may be in toxic relationships where the other party have never listened or tend to be on the abusive side always.

    2. You hurt people you love

    The receiving end is always the most hurt. They get hurt emotionally and may find it hard to ever trust you again.

    Some say ghosting someone is like stabbing them in the back- because it is a very hurtful thing to do to someone without any explanation.

    In fact, if you had a child involved - goodluck asking for forgiveness from the child whenever you come back to your senses.

    3. You lose trust

    In fact ladies know this – when a guy tries to come back most times he thinks you’re stupid and accepting him for no justifiable reason proves you are.

    For this reason, I never want to ever use this as a resort anymore.

    Ghosting is the coward's way out which damages trust. It's a way of avoiding confrontation and being honest with someone.

    4. You risk valuable relationships

    I’m not just talking romantic relationships – ghosting family members or friends might result to you never getting back in good terms.

    Most times when people leave relationships abruptly they act rather impulsively to make the decision.

    So when they come back – they think they’ve regained their minds. But it may be too late – you might lose some important relationships forever.

    Infact, ghosting is the worst way to end a relationship - because it is a very cold and heartless way to end things with someone.

    5. Ghosting is a burden

    Until I called back to make amends I was NEVER free. It didn’t matter who was at fault.

    I can imagine fathers that leave their babies at young age to their mothers living in shame for so long.

    Ghosting can lead to mental health issues for you and the other party. Because it can cause the person who was ghosted to feel anxious, depressed, and even suicidal in some cases.

    6. Ghosting is just plain rude

    It is very disrespectful and inconsiderate of the other person's feelings.

    It sucks to be the one left hanging - because it feels like you're the one who did something wrong, when really you just got rejected. And because there's no closure, and you're left wondering what went wrong.

    Nobody deserves to be treated with such disrespect.

    7. It Can Affect Your Future Relationships

    If you develop a habit of ghosting people, it will become harder and harder to form meaningful connections with others.

    Ghosting can also make the other party paranoid. Once someone has ghosted you, it's hard not to wonder if they'll do it again.

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